Thank you for partnering with Delta Dental of Oregon and Alaska. We appreciate your partnership because you share our commitment to our members’ oral health. And, our relationship with Moda Health allows us to also care for their overall wellbeing.
Quickly verify your patients' Delta Dental insurance with Benefit Tracker. It's a free, HIPAA-compliant tool you can use to check up on eligibility, benefits and claims status.
Our Health through Oral Wellness® program offers extra benefits to patients who have a higher risk for oral diseases.
Health through Oral Wellness benefit grid
Learn more about the Health through Oral Wellness Program
Submit claims electronically, learn about predeterminations and access our electronic remittance explanation codes.
Check out current and past Dental Office Update newsletters. Get the latest on plans, billing best practices, industry regulations and more.
Dental Customer Service: 888-217-2365
Dental Professional Relations: 888-374-8905
Get more contact details.