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Dental plans to make them smile

Healthy teeth are happy teeth. With our individual and family dental coverage, your clients have access to one of the nation’s largest dental networks and a ton of other great benefits, including:
  • No waiting periods for Class 1 services
  • Savings from in-network dentists
  • Cleanings every six months
  • Predetermination of benefits if requested in a pretreatment plan
  • Fast and accurate claims payment
  • Superior customer service

Every Delta Dental plan also comes with access to online tools, resources and programs that will help your clients make the most of their benefits.

And, through our partnership with Moda Health, we also offer dental plans together with medical coverage.

Plan offerings

PPO Plans

These plans help members save costs by connecting them with providers in the Delta Dental PPO Network, one of the largest preferred provider organization (PPO) dental networks in Oregon.PPO plans offer more choice and control over out-of-pocket costs, and members can still see out-of-network providers at a reduced benefit level.

EPO Plans

EPO plans offer a higher level of benefits than with the PPO plans, but members must see Delta Dental PPO contracted providers. This exclusive provider option does not pay for services provided from a Premier or non-contracted dentist. Care from providers outside this network is not covered, except for emergency services.

Pediatric plan

Delta Dental PPO Bright Smiles plan offers benefits for children under age 19. It also meets the federal pediatric essential health benefits (EHB) requirement. You can purchase this plan even if no one enrolls right away.

See which providers are in network with Find Care

Our networks are some of the largest in Oregon, so if your clients are wondering if their current dentist is in-network, they can always use our Find Care provider search tool to search participating providers.


To change dental plans or to enroll in new coverage outside of Open Enrollment, customers will have to qualify for Special Enrollment.

Browse plans

Clients and members can browse plans online. Contact your service representative if you’d like to include this link on your website for them.


Browse plans now


Plan materials

Our individual and family dental plans brochure explains more about our dental coverage options.




For additional assistance or information, contact our Sales team.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need additional help, please call our sales team at 877-277-7073 or contact your account services team member.
